Package cookxml.core.exception

Exception Summary
AccessException This exception is thrown whenever user specified to access a non-public variable but SecurityException is thrown, typically when running CookXml inside a sandbox or a SecurityManager.
AdderException This exception can be generated only when an object is added to its parent.
CleanupException This exception is thrown by CleanupHook to indicate errors.
ConverterException This exception can be generated only when a converter is called to convert a string to a target object type.
CookXmlException This is the base class for all CookXml related exceptions.
CreatorException This exception can be generated only when a Creator is called to create an object for a given tag.
FuncAdderException This exception is generated when DecodeEngine couldn't find an Adder in the tag library for the given parent and child.
FunctionHandlerException Generated by FunctionHandler.
HandlerException This exception is generated by Variablehandler or FunctionHandler.
InvalidInputException Called by CookXml's xmlDecode if an input is an unknown type.
NoAdderException This exception is generated when DecodeEngine couldn't find an Adder in the tag library for the given parent and child.
NoCreatorException This exception is generated when DecodeEngine couldn't find a creator in the tag library for the given tag.
NoDefaultConstructorException This exception is used by DefaultCreator to indicate that a particular class does not have a default constructor.
NoSetterException This exception is generated when DecodeEngine couldn't find a setter in the tag library for the given tag and attribute.
SetterException This exception can be generated only when a setter is called to set an attribute for an object.
VariableHandlerException Generated by VariableHandler.