TagsBasic FormLayoutFormBuilderChildren of FormBuilder
OthersformlayoutClass: com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout
cellconstraintsClass: com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints
Note that only one column group is added per tag. form-rowgroup
Note that only one row group is added per tag. panelbuilderClass: com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
formbuilderInherited from tag: panelbuilder Class: com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder
Although <formbuilder> use the same set of child tags as <panelbuilder>, the behaviors of these tags are quite different. buttonbarbuilderClass: com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder
buttonstackbuilderClass: com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonStackBuilder
form-propertiesThis tag obtains the actual AbstractFormBuilder used internally so that its properties can be set.
form-appendThis tag is used to append various row/column settings.
form-separatorThis tag is used to append a separator component generated by ComponentFactory.
form-labelThis tag is used to add a label and its associated component to the <panelbuilder> or <formbuilder>. One advantage of using this tag is not only making it easier to specify the constraints, it also allows easy association of the label with the component. This tag can add the label alone w/o the component, and in case the parent is <formbuilder>, the component can be added alone w/o the label. Essentially, this tag is useful for specifying contraints.
form-titleThis tag is used to add a label title.
form-addThis tag is used to add buttons/components to a <buttonbarbuilder> or <buttonstackbuilder>.
form-gapThis tag is used to explicitly add a gap in <buttonbarbuilder> or <buttonstackbuilder>.
form-glueThis tag is used to add a glue which consumes extra spaces in <buttonbarbuilder> or <buttonstackbuilder>. form-strutThis tag is used to add an constant sized space in <buttonbarbuilder> or <buttonstackbuilder>.
formdebugpanelInherited from tag: panel Class: com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugPanel This panel is used for debugging purpose to show the grid. formborder
This tag is used to retrieve some of the useful predefined borders. |