Package cookxml.cookswing.converter

Class Summary
ColorConverter Convert a hex representation in "#rrggbb", "rrggbb", or names predefined in Color.
CursorConverter Convert a string name into the predefined cursor, without the * _CURSOR suffix (e.g "HAND" would be converted to a hand cursor).
DimensionConverter Convert a string in "#,#" or "#x#" format into a dimension object.
FontConverter Convert a string representation into a Font.
ImageConverter Convert a string into an Image object.
ImageIconConverter Convert a string into an ImageIcon object.
InsetsConverter Convert a string in "#,#,#,#" format into an Insets object.
KeyStrokeConverter Convert a string into a KeyStroke.
PointConverter Convert a string in "#,#" format to a Point.
RectangleConverter Convert a string in "#,#,#,#" format into a Rectangle.
SpringConverter Convert a string into a Spring object.