Package cookxml.cookswing.creator

Class Summary
AppletCreator The only purpose of this creator is to be able to pack and setLocationRelativeTo after all inner components of the JApplet have been setup.
BoxLayoutCreator It is necessary to have this creator because BoxLayout constructor requires the parent as well as the direction of alignment,
DialogCreator This creator is necessary to be possible to set the parent of the JDialog and pack the window after all inner components have been setup.
FormattedTextFieldCreator This creator is added to consider the cases where JSpinner is used.
FrameCreator The only purpose of this creator is to be able to pack and setLocationRelativeTo after all inner components of the JFrame have been setup.
InsetsCreator Creates an empty insets.
InternalFrameCreator The only purpose of this creator is to be able to pack and setLocationRelativeTo after all inner components of the JInternalFrame have been setup.
MenuSplitCreator Directly add a menu split to the parent menu.
OverlayLayoutCreator This creator is necessary because OverlayLayout requires to know the parent container at construction.
SpinnerEditorCreator This creator does not create, but rather retrieve the JTableHeader from the table parent.
SpringCreator This creator is used to add the spring generated by the SpringHelper to the parent instead of the helper itself.
SpringGridCreator This creator creates a SpringGridHelper object, and when finished, it layout the components in a grid using SpringLayout.
TableHeaderCreator This creator does not create, but rather retrieve the JTableHeader from the table parent.
UIManagerCreator This creator serves only one purpose, to obtain the value from UIManager using the value in the tag constructor attribute.
WindowCreator The only purpose of this creator is to be able to pack and setLocationRelativeTo after all inner components of the JWindow have been setup.