CookSwt is a library which builds Java SWT GUI from XML documents. The current version is 1.2.
- All SWT components can be configured. Resources (Image, Font, Color, Cursor) are automatically disposed when
widgets using them are disposed. Run the demo on your local machine with "-ea" (enable assertion)
for disposal messages.
- All SWT Layouts. Any complex layouts can be created.
- All SWT Listeners.
- Simple custom dialog creations with <xmldialog>.
- Small things, such as DROP_DOWN ToolItem with DROP_DOWN Menu, adding control to a CoolItem or
ToolItem and set the size at the same time, auto-relayout Shell when a CoolBar resizes, and
auto-relayout wrapped ToolBar.
The following features are common to CookXml extensions.
- Simple custom tags extensions.
- Include other XML documents, or an element within an XML document.
- Locale and ResourceBundle support.
- Various containers (Vector, LinkedList, Map, Set, and such), Strings, primitives, Object/primitive arrays,
etc can all be configured.
There is one feature missing (comparing to CookSwing), the ability to synchronized menu item and button states.
Unfortunately, I just don't see how that is possible for Enabled/Disabled states without telling programmer to
re-write their listeners base on a new class. In fact that was what JFace was doing with IAction. Before fully
evaluating the possibility of dealing JFace with XML, it is probably not a good idea in introducing a whole new
set of things.
Try the Java Web Start demo (Windows only) for a glimpse of the features offered.
The demo itself used the CookSwt to generate the GUI. Since SWT requires native library, full permission is necessary.
What's New
- 1.3
- Updated CookSwt for CookXml 3.0. CookSwt is in the namespace
"http://cookxml.sf.net/cookswt/" .
- 1.2.1
- Forgot to make glcanvas to inherit canvas tag in 1.2.
- 1.2
- Updated CookSwt for SWT 3.2. The changes are:
- 1ToolTip
- ExpandBar and ExpandItem
- GLCanvas and GLData. GLCanvas is limited to creating a new empty instance.
<gldata> needs to be a child of <glcanvas>.
- Table and Tree added "sortingdirection" setter.
- Composite added "backgroundmode" setter;
Let me know if I missed anything.
- updated examples and added some missing widget examples.
- 1.1.1
- Fixed ImageConverter bug for 3.1 where ICON_ is the prefix for system images.
Thanks to Thorsten Dittmar.
- 1.1
- Updated for CookXml 2.0.
- Updated for SWT 3.1. Specifically, <tabletree> and <tabletreeitem> are removed from the tag library.
<link>, <spinner>, and <treecolumn> are added.
- Additional widget demos in CookSwtDemo.
- 1.0
The initial release.